Sandi Renko works on the double path of art and design. "I have always experienced creativity as a fundamental component of my life and art and design have been the two constitutive polarities. I could even say that art and design are for me one inside the other," says the artist. Renko's projects and works are always based on modularity and repetition: the area in which his artistic path develops is that of the tradition of analytical painting, a current born in the sixties and attentive to the relationships between surface, sign and color, as in the near and parallel fields of kinetic and programmed art, focused on the study of the mechanisms of vision and on the aspiration to a pictorial and plastic rendering of optical phenomena and light.
Sandi Renko

Sandi Renko's research focuses precisely on the dynamic relationships between the individual elements that make up his visual lexicon, from the sign, to the pictorial surface, treated as a texture and as a repetition of individual formal modules, to the in cidence of light on the surface of the painting. His conceptual investigation is aimed at probing the perceptual and sensory variables aroused by the painting, aiming at a dynamic relationship with the viewer, in order to involve him on an interactive level. The artistic practice of Sandi Renko is set on a solid geometric structure of the work, through the repetition of an apparently elementary scheme, based above all on the motif of the cube. The modular development of the space is approached with great me thodological rigour, through a sequence of variables. By making use of simple vertical lines that differ from one another in length and thickness, the artist manages to create volumetric effects that assume kinetic characteristics if viewed from different points of view , they change according to the point where you look at the picture. The formal rigour, as well as the solid structural setting, are expertly calibrated by the compositional harmony and refinement of the tonal backgrounds, following a sequence of innumerable combinations, in a sort of elementary grammar of space that can be replicated indefinitely.
Sandi Renko was born in Trieste in 1949. He lives and works between Padua and Trieste. At the beginning of the seventies, he moved to Padua where he opened a design, visual communication and art direction studio, collaborating with leading companies in the furniture and furnishing accessories sector. In Padua he met Edoardo Landi and, stimulated by the artistic and intellectual context that was still affected by the experiences of the kinetic and programmed art of group N, he participated in group shows and extemporaneous events. The affinity with programmed art and optical art is consolidating, thus defining its artistic language and its personal technique. Over the years he has continued to produce design and art in parallel with equal rigour and method, with creations of great cleanliness and balance in both fields. Encouraged by Alberto Biasi, he intensifies his artistic production and exhibits regularly in group and solo shows in Italy, Slovenia and Austria.